Awakening Essence

Yoga Nidra & the Art of Conscious Rest

7 Week Online Course

25th November 2024 - 6th January 2025

Gift Yourself Deep Rest & Profound Rejuvenation with Yoga Nidra

In a culture of constant doing it is an act of radical self-love to slow down, consciously rest and soften into healing states of profound relaxation.

Yoga Nidra, often referred to as "Yogic Sleep," is a transformative practice that guides you consciously into replenishing sleep states. Within these slower brainwave states you begin to regenerate at a cellular level, digest & integrate stress hormones, integrate held emotions, digest thoughts, and connect with your inner essence (the self beyond the busyness of the waves of life).

Rooted in ancient wisdom, it offers you a sanctuary of stillness in a world of constant movement.

Why Yoga Nidra

  • Deep Rest: More than just physical relaxation, Yoga Nidra guides you to a state where the body, mind, and spirit rejuvenate synchronously.

  • Stress Relief: In today's fast-paced world, stress is ubiquitous. Yoga Nidra is a refuge, melting away anxieties and tensions, and restoring inner peace.

  • Heightened Awareness: Beyond relaxation, this practice illuminates the deeper layers of the Self, fostering insight, clarity, and a profound sense of interconnectedness.

  • Emotional Balance: By accessing deeper states of consciousness, Yoga Nidra facilitates emotional integration, helping you navigate life's ups and downs with equanimity.

Just one hour of Yoga Nidra can gift you the rejuvenation of FOUR hours of conventional sleep!

But that's not all...

While Yoga Nidra is a beacon for those seeking better sleep and relaxation, its true essence is far more profound.

It is a journey of self-discovery—a path to shed what doesn't serve you and embrace your true, whole self.

You are the peace you seek.

Soften home to your innermost Essence.

Slow down to hear the whispers of your Soul,

to meet the depths of your Heart,

to truly nurture your Body & Mind...

The Weekly Journey...

Each week we will connect for a 90 minute Zoom session. Sessions will also be recorded so you can watch in your own time.

We will open with a short check-in followed by a workshop integrating modalities such as meditation, movement, art, sound, journaling and lectures. There will be the space to ask any questions and share any insights. The session will close with a live Nidra practice.

Each week you will also receive a pre-recroded Nidra, journalling prompts, exercises and inquiries.

What you receive each week...

  • Live Nidra Journey: Experience a real-time journey to relax and rejuvenate.

  • Weekly Workshop: Dive deep into the philosophy and science behind Nidra.

  • Pre-recorded Nidra: A Nidra audio journey you can do in your own time and keep for future practice.

  • Information Booklet: Deepen your understanding of the week's theme, complete with journal prompts and exercises.

  • Bonus Nidra Recordings: Additional guided sessions to deepen your practice.

  • Supportive Community: A space to share, reflect, and find encouragement.

"We don’t have to go anywhere to obtain the truth.

We only need to be still and things will reveal themselves

in the still water of our heart."

Thich Nhat Hanh.

Exploring through the lens of the Koshas...

Week 1

Opening Introdution

Sankalpa & Intention

Week 2

The Physcial Body

Week 3

The Energy Body

(Breath & Prana)

Week 4

The Mental-Emotional Body

Week 5

The Intuitive Wisdom Body

Week 6

The Causal Bliss Body

Week 7

Closing & Integration

The practice of Yoga Nidra naturally guides your awareness through each of the Koshas (your 5 bodies). During our time together we will spend a week focusing on each one in turn, in order to expand your awareness of the different layers that make up you. Awakening presence from the densest layer of your physical body all the way deep to the most subtle self, what some may call your Soul or Higher Self.

Through doing this you can learn to deeper honour, love, connect and truly listen to your whole being from a place of greater awareness, depth, understanding and presence.

You can awaken awareness to the layers of you that exist beneath the busy mind and beneath the stories that may have cemented themselves into chronic illness, misalignment, pain, dissociation and other imbalances in your body and mind. Once you drop beneath these aspects of self and connect with a deeper awareness it becomes easier and oftentimes effortless to let go of these engrained patterns and carve new pathways and patterns that are more in alignment with health, love, vitality, inspiration and the Bliss of your Soul.

Yoga Nidra is known for its incredible support with sleep and relaxation, however, ulitmately it is a practice of returning home to the Self, of self-realization, of realizing all that is not you in order to return home to embodied wholeness.



Super Early Bird


Payment Plan

£50 x 4 months

Until June 6th New Moon

Early Bird


Payment Plan

£65 x 4 months

Until October 2nd New Moon



Payment Plan

£90 x 4 months

The Sessions

All sessions will be recorded for those who can't make a live or who live in a different timezone

Group 1


11am Pacific (California)

12pm Costa Rica/Central Time

2pm Eastern (Florida & New York)

7pm GMT (London UK)

8pm CET (Spain)

Group 2


6pm Pacific (California)

7pm Costa Rica/Central Time

9pm Eastern (Florida & New York)


8am Thailand

9am Western Australia & Bali

12pm Eastern Australia

** Please note groups must have a minimum of 3 people to run a live class. In the event that there are less, then participants will be invited to join the other group or watch via recordings.

About Your Guide

Ellanah Marina Rose

Ellanah is devoted to supporting others in softening deeper home to their true essence and embracing the wild beauty of being alive.

She has been creating spaces of heart-centred connection and transformation through Meditation, Yoga, Movement and Breathwork for over 9 years. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, Breathwork Guide & Ceremonialist, Women’s Circle Space Holder, Nature Lover, Mama to a beautiful baby boy, Heartsong Weaver, Kirtanista and a forever student of life.

Ellanah first discovered Yoga as a teenager. It was later when she began her studies of Anthropology at the London School of Economics that it became a fundamental part of her life. Yoga was a catalyst in transforming her lived experience from disconnection to connection and igniting a deep passion for exploring how we can live deeper from the Heart and deeper in harmony with the natural world that we are an inseparable part of.

Her devotion to Yoga has taken her around the world learning from different teachers and lineages, exploring the common thread of Unity that pulses at the heart of all teachings. She is devoted to sharing all that she does from a place of reverence and remembrance of the sacredness and mystical wisdom of our internal landscape and beyond.


"Your Yoga Nidra Deep Relaxation practice is extraordinary. Your voice is the most calming, soothing voice I have ever practiced to, the content wonderful, and the music oh so beautiful. What an amazing combination!"

Nancy, USA

"Ellanah has this vibe about her that just oozes love and she welcomes each and every student into her class with HUGE welcoming arms.

Ellanahs classes are a gentle flow and her guided voice through these practices is just heavenly.

I recommend you take the effort and get yourself to her practice!

Ellanah- thank you for forever enriching my outlook on life and love- I will be forever grateful and blessed to be a part of your time in Koh Phangan"

Bee, Australia

"Ellanah has the most angelic presence and going to her yoga classes in Thailand was an absolute treat and I would always look forward to it. Her classes were always so calming and I always felt so relaxed in her presence. Ellanah’s Reiki sessions are also unreal – after a couple of days I felt like a real weight had been lifted. I would highly recommend Ellanah for both yoga classes and her Reiki sessions… living in Australia its difficult to get to her side of the world but if I could I’d be there in a heartbeat!"

Emily, Australia

"It's like being seen by an angel. Ellanah is truly magical, one of the most present, kind hearted and true yogi and healer I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Her yoga practice is intuitive and well balanced, and her guidance not only makes your poses stronger but your mind softer and your heart happier. There's something magical and extraordinary with this angel walking (or flying? I can't even remember) on earth!"

Eva, Bali/Sweden/The World

"The most amazing and relaxing Yoga Nidras of my life. I return to Ellanah's practices multiple times a week. I love them so much and her voice & energy are so soothing."

Alesha, USA

"Space and stillness is the light

that illuminates the beauty of our soul's being."


Yoga Nidras on Insight Timer


IG: @ellanah.marina.rose
